Default Settings

Default Settings used for all domains. Branding can be done in this section, adjust or copy settings to specific domains can be done in this section also.


Default Settings have several different categories. Click on the category to view more details.


FusionPBX menu Advanced > Adminer

FusionPBX version 4.2+ has Adminer disabled by default. To use Adminer, you must enable this option with True.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
auto_login boolean TRUE FALSE This must be enabled in order to use Adminer.


Option to use file cache for xml and not memcache.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
method text memcache TRUE Cache methods file or memcache.
location text /tmp TRUE Location for the file cache.

Call Center

FusionPBX menu Apps > Call Center

Defaults for the amount of agent rows for Call Center.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
agent_add_rows numeric 5 TRUE Number of default “add” rows.
agent_edit_rows numeric 1 TRUE Number of default “edit” rows.


FusionPBX menu Apps > CDR

CDR Stat hour limit, call leg, format, limit, http_enabled, archive database, and storage type settings can be set here.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
stat_hours_limit numeric 24 FALSE  
b_leg array outbound FALSE  
b_leg array inbound FALSE  
b_leg array local FALSE  
format text json TRUE  
limit numeric 800 TRUE  
http_enabled boolean TRUE TRUE  
archive_database_driver text pgsql FALSE Archive Database Driver
archive_database_host text   FALSE IP/Hostname of Archive Database
archive_database_password text   FALSE Archive Database Password
archive_database_port text 5432 FALSE Archive Database Port
archive_database_username text   FALSE Archive Database Username
storage text db TRUE  
archive_database boolean FALSE FALSE Enable Dedicated CDR Database Access
archive_database_name text fusionpbx FALSE Archive Database Name


FusionPBX menu Home > Dashboard

Different user level settings that control what is seen and not seen on the dashboard for each user access level.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
admin array voicemail TRUE Enable Dashboard Voicemail block for users in the admin group.
admin array missed TRUE Enable Dashboard Missed Calls block for users in the admin group.
admin array recent TRUE Enable Dashboard Recent Calls block for users in the admin group.
admin array limits FALSE Enable Dashboard Domain Limits block for users in the admin group.
admin array counts TRUE Enable Dashboard Domain Counts block for users in the admin group.
admin array ring_groups TRUE Enable Dashboard Ring Group Forwarding controls for users in the admin group.
admin array caller_id FALSE Enable changing Caller ID name and number.
superadmin array voicemail TRUE Enable Dashboard Voicemail block for users in the superadmin group.
superadmin array missed TRUE Enable Dashboard Missed Calls block for users in the superadmin group.
superadmin array recent TRUE Enable Dashboard Recent Calls block for users in the superadmin group.
superadmin array limits FALSE Enable Dashboard Domain Limits block for users in the superadmin group.
superadmin array counts TRUE Enable Dashboard System Counts block for users in the superadmin group.
superadmin array call_routing TRUE Enable Dashboard Call Routing controls for users in the superadmin group.
superadmin array caller_id FALSE Enable changing Caller ID name and number.
superadmin array ring_groups TRUE Enable Dashboard Ring Group Forwarding controls for users in the superadmin group.
user array voicemail TRUE Enable Dashboard Voicemail block for users in the users group.
user array missed TRUE Enable Dashboard Missed Calls block for users in the users group.
user array recent TRUE Enable Dashboard Recent Calls block for users in the users group.
user array call_routing TRUE Enable Dashboard Call Routing controls for users in the users group.
user array ring_groups TRUE Enable Dashboard Ring Group Forwarding controls for users in the users group.
user array caller_id FALSE Enable changing Caller ID name and number.
admin array call_routing TRUE Enable Dashboard Call Routing controls for users in the admin group.
superadmin array system TRUE Enable Dashboard System Status block for users in the superadmin group.
agent array call_center_agents TRUE Enable Dashboard Call Center Agent Status block for users in the agent group.


FusionPBX menu Dialplan > Destinations

Destinations specific defaults.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
dialplan_details boolean TRUE TRUE  


FusionPBX menu Advanced > Domains

Domain specific defaults.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
dial_string text {sip_invite_domain=${domain_name},leg_timeout=${call_timeout},presence_id=${dialed_user}@${dialed_domain}}${sofia_contact(*/${dialed_user}@${dialed_domain})} TRUE The dial string used
template name default TRUE The template used
menu uuid b4750c3f-2a86-b00d-b7d0-345c14eca286 TRUE The menu uuid
language code en-us TRUE Choose the language
cidr array   FALSE Allow only specific ip addresses access
country code us TRUE The country code
bridge text outbound TRUE outbound,loopback,lcr
paging numeric 100 TRUE Set the maximum number of records displayed per page. (Default: 50)
time_zone name America/Los_Angeles TRUE Time zone used. Follows UNIX format


FusionPBX menu Advanced > php editor, grammar editor, provision editor, and xml editor.

Editor specific defaults.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
indent_guides boolean FALSE FALSE Set the default visibility of indent guides for Editor.
invisibles boolean FALSE FALSE Set the default state of invisible characters for Editor.
line_numbers boolean FALSE FALSE Set the default visibility of line numbers for Editor.
theme text Cobalt FALSE Set the default theme.
font_size text 14px FALSE Set the default text size for Editor.
live_previews boolean FALSE FALSE Enable or disable live previewing of syntax, text size and theme changes.


This is where you configure email settings to receive email notifications of voicemail, missed calls and fax.

Here are some example settings for some of the most common email providers.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
smtp_host text TRUE email providers server address
smtp_from text TRUE smtp from emaill address
smtp_port numeric 587 TRUE port number of the mail server provider
smtp_from_name text Voicemail TRUE smtp from name
smtp_auth text TRUE TRUE If smtp auth is required
smtp_username text user name TRUE typically the email user name
smtp_password text supersecurepassword! TRUE typically the email password
smtp_secure text tls TRUE tls or ssl depending on the provider.
smtp_validate_certificate boolean TRUE TRUE set to false to ignore SSL certificate warnings e.g. for self-signed certificates
method text smtp TRUE smtp|sendmail|mail|qmail

Error log for failed or sucessfully sent messages.


Apps > Fax Server

Specific default settings for fax server.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
cover_logo text   TRUE Path to image/logo file displayed in the header of the cover sheet.
allowed_extension array .pdf TRUE Allowed extension to send .pdf
allowed_extension array .tif TRUE Allowed extension to send .tif
allowed_extension array .tiff TRUE Allowed extension to send .tiff
cover_header text   FALSE Default information displayed beneath the logo in the header of the cover sheet.
page_size text letter TRUE Set the default page size of new faxes.
resolution text fine TRUE Set the default transmission quality of new faxes.
variable array fax_enable_t38=true TRUE Enable T.38.
variable array fax_enable_t38_request=false TRUE Send a T38 reinvite when a fax tone is detected.
variable array ignore_early_media=true TRUE Ignore ringing to improve fax success rate.
keep_local boolean TRUE TRUE Keep the file after sending or receiving the fax.
send_mode text queue FALSE Send mode. queue is default.
send_retry_limit numeric 5 TRUE Number of attempts to send fax (count only calls with answer).
send_retry_interval numeric 15 TRUE Delay before we make next call after answered call.
send_no_answer_retry_limit numeric 3 TRUE Number of unanswered attempts in sequence.
send_no_answer_retry_interval numeric 30 TRUE Delay before we make next call after no answered call.
send_no_answer_limit numeric 3 TRUE Giveup reach the destination after this number of sequences.
send_no_answer_interval numeric 300 TRUE Delay before next call sequence.
storage_type text base64 FALSE Store FAX in base64.
smtp_from text   TRUE SMTP from address.
smtp_from_name text   TRUE SMTP from name. Depends on the server, can be full email or everything before the @ sign.
cover_font text times FALSE Font used to generate cover page. Can be full path to .ttf file or font name alredy installed.
cover_footer text   TRUE Notice displayed in the footer of the cover sheet.

Follow Me

FusionPBX menu Apps > Follow Me

Specific defaults for Follow Me.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
max_destinations numeric 5 FALSE Set the maximum number of Follow Me Destinations.
timeout numeric 30 FALSE Set the default Follow Me Timeout value.

Ivr Menu

FusionPBX menu Apps > IVR Menus

Specific default for IVR Menu.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
option_add_rows numeric 5 TRUE Number of default “add” rows.
option_edit_rows numeric 1 TRUE Number of default “edit” rows.


Limit specific default settings.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
call_center_queues numeric 3 FALSE Limit used in Call Center Queues.
destinations numeric 3 FALSE Limit used in Destinations.
devices numeric 3 FALSE Limit used in Devices.
extensions numeric 3 FALSE Limit used in Extensions.
gateways numeric 3 FALSE Limit used in Gateways.
ivr_menus numeric 3 FALSE Limit used in IVR Menus.
ring_groups numeric 3 FALSE Limit used in Ring Groups.
users numeric 3 FALSE Limit used in Users.


Login specific default settings.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
password_reset_key text 9pG6sgerhuh5hetjnsrtjrjrdW FALSE Display a Reset Password link on the login box (requires smtp_host be defined).
domain_name_visible boolean TRUE FALSE Displays a domain input or select box (if domain_name array defined) on the login box.
domain_name array FALSE Domain select option displayed on the login box.
message text Welcome to FusionPBX! TRUE Display a message at login.


In the Provisioning section, there are a few key options that have to be set in order to turn auto provisioning on.

  • enabled: Must be enabled and set to value true and enabled True. It is disabled by default.
  • http_auth_username: Must be enabled and set to value true and enabled True. It is disabled by default. Be sure to use a strong username.
  • http_auth_password: Must be enabled and set to value true and enabled True. It is disabled by default. Be sure to use a strong password.
Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
fanvil_time_zone text -20 TRUE Time zone ranges
fanvil_time_zone_name text UTC-5 TRUE Time zone name example United States-Eastern Time
fanvil_location numeric 4 TRUE Used with time zone and time zone name
fanvil_realm text enter a value FALSE enter a value
fanvil_greeting text FusionPBX TRUE Name at top left of screen 0~12 characters
fanvil_date_display numeric 3 TRUE value 0-13 Date Format
fanvil_time_display numeric 1 TRUE 1=12hr 0=24hr
fanvil_wifi_enable numeric 0 TRUE 1=on 0=off
fanvil_stun_port numeric 3478 TRUE enter a stun port number
grandstream_call_waiting text 0 TRUE Call Waiting 0=enabled 1=disable
contact_grandstream boolean TRUE FALSE Enable Address Book for Grandstream based on users and groups assigned to contact.
grandstream_gxp_time_zone text auto TRUE See provision profile for codes.
grandstream_check_sip_user_id text 1 TRUE GXV Android phones - fix auto-ring bug.
grandstream_config_server_path text none FALSE to Fusionpbx provisioning. Phones will use firmware url if this is set to: none
grandstream_firmware_path text TRUE Grandstream firmware and provision.
grandstream_lan_port_vlan text 1 FALSE Default VLAN for phone LAN port.
grandstream_pc_port_vlan text 1 FALSE Default VLAN for phone PC port.
grandstream_ldap_base_dn text dc=mydomain,dc=com FALSE Base DN
grandstream_ldap_display_name text givenName sn title FALSE Which named attributes to display on device. Must be pulled in through grandstream_ldap_name_attr.
grandstream_ldap_mail_attr text mail FALSE Mail attribute returned to phone
grandstream_ldap_mail_filter text (mail=%) FALSE Search filter for mail lookups
grandstream_ldap_name_attr text givenName sn title mail FALSE The NAME attributes returned in the LDAP search result available to device
grandstream_ldap_name_filter text (cn=%) FALSE Search filter for name lookups
grandstream_ldap_number_attr text telephoneNumber mobile homePhone FALSE Number attributes returned to the phone.
grandstream_ldap_number_filter text (|(telephoneNumber=%)(homePhone=%)(moblie=%)) FALSE Search filter for number lookups.
grandstream_ldap_password text super-secret FALSE Ldap bind user password.
grandstream_ldap_server text FALSE Ldap server host name
grandstream_ldap_user_base text ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com FALSE Ldap base for users.
grandstream_ldap_username text cn=pbxadmin,dc=mydomain,dc=com FALSE Ldap server bind username
grandstream_phonebook_download_interval text 720 TRUE 0=disabled, 5-720 minutes
grandstream_qos_rtp text 5 FALSE Layer 2 QoS 802.1p Priority Value for RTP media
grandstream_qos_sip text 3 FALSE Layer 2 QoS 802.1p Priority Value for SIP signaling
grandstream_sip_only_known_servers text 1 TRUE GXV Android phones - fix auto-ring bug.
grandstream_stun_server text TRUE Bug in Grandstream where null stun_server defaults to sip server/port
grandstream_validate_incoming_sip text 1 TRUE GXV Android phones - fix auto-ring bug.
grandstream_wallpaper_url text FALSE Wallpaper Image JPEG 480x272 16-bit depth dithered
grandstream_bluetooth_power text 1 FALSE Bluetooth Power - 0 - Off, 1 - On, 2 - Off & Hide Menu From LCD
grandstream_bluetooth_handsfree text 1 FALSE Bluetooth Handsfree - 0 - Off, 1 - On
grandstream_auto_attended_transfer text 1 TRUE Attended Transfer Mode. 0 - Static, 1 - Dynamic. Default is 0
grandstream_syslog_server text   FALSE Syslog Server (name of the server, max length is 64 characters)
grandstream_syslog_level text 0 FALSE Syslog Level. 0 - NONE, 1 - DEBUG, 2 - INFO, 3 - WARNING, 4 - ERROR. Default is 0
grandstream_send_sip_log text 0 FALSE Send SIP Log. 0 - Do not send SIP log in Syslog, 1 - Send SIP log in Syslog if configured and set to DEBUG level. Default is 0
grandstream_screensaver text 1 TRUE Screensaver. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - On if no VPK is active. Default is 1
grandstream_screensaver_source text 0 TRUE Screensaver Source. 0 - Default, 1 - USB, 2 - Download. Default is 0. –for GXP2140/2160/2170 only
grandstream_screensaver_show_date_time text 1 TRUE Show Date and Time. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1
grandstream_screensaver_timeout text 5 TRUE Screensaver Timeout. Minutes 3-60
grandstream_screensaver_server_path text   FALSE Screensaver Server Path
grandstream_screensaver_xml_download_interval text 0 FALSE Screensaver XML Download Interval Number: 5 - 720. Default is 0 (disable auto downloading)
grandstream_srtp text 0 TRUE SRTP Mode. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled but not forced, 2 - Enabled and forced, 3 - Optional. Default is 0
htek_time_zone text 18 TRUE Time zone 18=EST 14=CST 6=PST 9,10=MST
htek_dst numeric 1 TRUE DST off=0 on=1 auto=2
htek_date_display_format numeric 1 TRUE Year-Month-Day=0 Month-Day-Year=1 Day-Month-Year=2
htek_time_format numeric 1 TRUE 1=12hr 0=24hr
polycom_digitmap text [*]xxxx|[2-9]11|0T|011xxx.T|[0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[1-9]xxT|**x.T FALSE  
polycom_call_waiting text 1 TRUE Call Waiting 1=enabled 0=disable
cidr array FALSE  
http_auth_username text admin TRUE  
http_auth_type text digest TRUE  
enabled text TRUE TRUE  
cidr array FALSE  
auto_insert_enabled boolean TRUE FALSE  
http_auth_disable boolean FALSE FALSE  
admin_name text   FALSE  
admin_password text   FALSE  
path text   FALSE  
outbound_proxy_primary text   FALSE  
outbound_proxy_secondary text   FALSE  
line_sip_port numeric 5060 TRUE  
line_sip_transport text tcp TRUE  
daylight_savings_enabled boolean TRUE TRUE  
daylight_savings_start_month text 3 TRUE  
daylight_savings_start_weekday text 7 TRUE  
daylight_savings_start_time text 2 TRUE  
daylight_savings_stop_weekday text 7 TRUE  
daylight_savings_stop_time text 2 TRUE  
http_domain_filter boolean TRUE TRUE  
contact_users boolean TRUE FALSE  
contact_groups boolean TRUE FALSE  
number_as_presence_id text TRUE TRUE  
ntp_server_primary text TRUE  
ntp_server_secondary text TRUE  
spa_time_zone text GMT-07:00 TRUE  
spa_time_format text 12hr TRUE 12hr,24hr
spa_date_format text day/month TRUE  
spa_back_light_timer text 30 s TRUE  
spa_handle_via_rport text Yes TRUE  
spa_insert_via_rport text Yes TRUE  
spa_call_waiting text Yes TRUE Call Waiting Yes=enabled No=disable
spa_feature_key_sync text No TRUE Feature Key Sync Yes=enabled No=disable
spa_dual_registration text No TRUE Dual Registration Yes=enabled No=disable
spa_register_when_failover text No TRUE Auto register when failover Yes=enabled No=disable
snom_call_waiting text on TRUE Call Waiting on=enabled off=disable visual only and ringer
nway_conference text TRUE FALSE N-Way conferencing for devices supporting network conference uri
vtech_vlan_wan_enable text 0 FALSE Enable vlan=1
vtech_vlan_wan_id text 1 FALSE VLAN ID
vtech_vlan_wan_priority text 0 FALSE VLAN Priority
stun_server text   FALSE STUN server address
stun_port numeric 3478 FALSE STUN server port
aastra_gmt_offset numeric 0 TRUE Aastra timezone offset in minutes (e.g. 300 = GMT-5 = Eastern Standard Time)
aastra_time_format numeric 0 TRUE Aastra clock format
aastra_date_format numeric 0 TRUE Aastra date format
yealink_time_zone text -5 FALSE Time zone ranges from -11 to +12
yealink_time_zone_name text United States-Eastern Time FALSE Time zone name example United States-Mountain Time
yealink_time_format text 1 FALSE 0-12 Hour, 1-24 Hour
yealink_rport boolean 1 TRUE Send the response back to the source it came from.
yealink_session_timer boolean 0 TRUE SIP Session Timers
yealink_retransmission boolean 0 TRUE Retransmission
yealink_subscribe_mwi_to_vm boolean 1 TRUE subscribe to the voicemail MWI 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled
yealink_srtp_encryption text 0 TRUE  
yealink_rfc2543_hold numeric 0 FALSE Default 0
yealink_blf_led_mode numeric 0 FALSE The value is 0(default) or 1.
yealink_trust_ctrl numeric 1 TRUE (0-Disabled;1-Enabled)
yealink_direct_ip_call_enable numeric 0 FALSE (0-Disabled;1-Enabled)
yealink_hide_feature_access_codes_enable numeric 0 FALSE (0-Disabled;1-Enabled)
yealink_voice_mail_popup_enable numeric 0 FALSE Display Voice Mail Popup
yealink_missed_call_popup_enable numeric 0 FALSE Display Missed Call Popup
yealink_cid_source numeric 0 TRUE The type of SIP header(s) to carry the caller ID; 0-FROM (default), 1-PAI 2-PAI-FROM, 3-PRID-PAI-FROM, 4-PAI-RPID-FROM, 5-RPID-FROM
yealink_dtmf_hide numeric 1 TRUE 0-Disabled 1-Enabled
yealink_sip_listen_port numeric 5060 FALSE 5060 default
yealink_firmware_url text TRUE Base URL for Yealink Firmware. Download from
yealink_firmware_cp860 text cp860- TRUE Filename of the CP860 firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_cp960 text cp960- TRUE Filename of the CP960 firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t29g text t29g- TRUE Filename of the T29G firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t38g text t38g- TRUE Filename of the T38G firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t40g text t40g- TRUE Filename of the T40G firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t40p text t40p- TRUE Filename of the T40P firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t41s text t41s- TRUE Filename of the T41S firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t42g text t42g- TRUE Filename of the T42G firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t42s text t42s- TRUE Filename of the T42S firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t46g text t46g- TRUE Filename of the T46G firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t46s text t46s- TRUE Filename of the T46S firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t48g text t48g- TRUE Filename of the T48G firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t48s text t48s- TRUE Filename of the T48S firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t49g text t49g- TRUE Filename of the T49Gfirmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t54s text T54S(T52S)- TRUE Firmware tested 2017-11-26
yealink_firmware_t56a text t56a- TRUE Filename of the T56A firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t58a text t58a- TRUE Filename of the T58A firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t58v text t58v- TRUE Filename of the T58V firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_vp530 text vp530- TRUE Filename of the VP530 firmware ROM
yealink_network_vpn_enable boolean 1 FALSE (0-Disabled;1-Enabled)
yealink_ip_address_mode numeric 0 FALSE IP Address mode 0-ipv4, 1-ipv6, 2-ipv4&ipv6
yealink_lldp_enable boolean 0 FALSE LLDP 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled
yealink_cdp_enable boolean 0 FALSE CDP 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled
yealink_overwrite_mode boolean 0 TRUE Overwrite Mode 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled
yealink_dsskey_length numeric 0 TRUE DSS Key Label Length Default-0 Extended-1 Mid Range-2
yealink_feature_key_sync numeric 0 TRUE Enable or disable the feature key synchronization; 0-Disabled (default) 1-Enabled
yealink_predial_autodial boolean 0 TRUE Auto dial after digit timeout 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
yealink_ring_type text custom.wav FALSE custom ring tone (Busy.wav);
yealink_ringtone_delete text http://localhost/all,delete FALSE http://localhost/all,delete all the customized ring tones
daylight_savings_start_day text 11 TRUE  
daylight_savings_stop_month text 11 TRUE  
daylight_savings_stop_day text 4 TRUE  
http_auth_password array 555 TRUE  
fanvil_stun_server text example.domain.tld FALSE enter a server name or ip
grandstream_dns_mode text 1 FALSE DNS Mode 0=A; 1=SRV; 2=NAPTR/SRV;
grandstream_global_contact_groups text contacts_elementary,contacts_facilities,contacts_other,contacts_secondary FALSE List of contact groups that every phone will have access to. Namely building sites.
grandstream_nat_traversal text 0 TRUE NAT Traversal. 0 - No, 1 - STUN, 2 - keep alive, 3 - UPnP, 4 - Auto, 5 - VPN
grandstream_phonebook_xml_server_path text TRUE Grandstream Phonebook Server Path - NOTE template adds MAC on the end of this if contact_grandstream is enabled. This also requires nginx rewrite rules for phonebook.xml
polycom_gmt_offset text   FALSE 3600 * GMT offset
polycom_feature_key_sync numeric 0 TRUE Feature Key Sync 1=enabled 0=disable
voicemail_number text *97 TRUE  
line_register_expires numeric 120 TRUE  
contact_extensions boolean TRUE FALSE allow extensions to be provisioned as contacts as in provision templates
spa_dial_plan text (*xxxxxxx|*xxxxxx|*xxxxx|*xxxx|*xxx|*xx*|*x|**xxxxx|**xxxx|**xxx|**xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.) TRUE  
spa_secure_call_setting text No TRUE spa secure call No or Yes
snom_time_zone text USA-7 FALSE
yealink_date_format text 3 FALSE 0-WWW MMM DD (default), 1-DD-MMM-YY, 2-YYYY-MM-DD, 3-DD/MM/YYYY, 4-MM/DD/YY, 5-DD MMM YYYY, 6-WWW DD MMM
yealink_outbound_proxy_fallback_interval numeric 3600 FALSE Integer from 0 to 65535
yealink_missed_call_power_led_flash_enable numeric 0 FALSE (0-Disabled:power indicator LED is off;1-Enabled:power indicator LED is solid red)
yealink_firmware_t41p text t41p- TRUE Filename of the T41P firmware ROM
yealink_firmware_t52s text t52s- TRUE Filename of the T52Sfirmware ROM
yealink_openvpn_url text hxxps://replace-this.url/openvpn.tar FALSE (URL within 511 characters)
yealink_ringtone_url text custom.wav FALSE Before using this parameter, you should store the desired ring tone (custom.wav) to the provisioning server
yealink_call_waiting text 0 TRUE Call Waiting 1=enabled 0=disable
grandstream_dial_plan text {x+|*x+|*++|park+*x+|flow+*x+} TRUE Define the digits that are allowed to be called.


FusionPBX menu Apps > Recordings

Recordings specific default settings.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
storage_type text base64 FALSE Save recordings in the database in base64 format.

Ring Group

FusionPBX menu Apps > Ring Group

Ring Groups specific default settings.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
destination_add_rows numeric 5 TRUE Ring Group “add” rows default.
destination_edit_rows numeric 1 TRUE Ring Group “edit” rows default.


Security specific default settings.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
password_length numeric 15 TRUE Set the required length for the generated passwords.
password_number boolean TRUE FALSE Set whether to require at least one number in passwords.
password_uppercase boolean TRUE FALSE Set whether to require at least one uppercase letter in passwords.
password_special boolean TRUE FALSE Set whether to require at least one special character in passwords.
session_rotate boolean TRUE TRUE Whether to regenerate the session ID.
password_lowercase boolean TRUE TRUE Set whether to require at least one lowecase letter in passwords.
password_strength numeric 4 TRUE Set the default strength for generated passwords. Valid Options: 1 - Numeric Only, 2 - Include Lower Apha, 3 - Include Upper Alpha, 4 - Include Special Characters.


Server specific default settings.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
temp text /tmp TRUE Set the temp directory.


Switch specific default settings. These defaults will change depending if you compiled the SWITCH source or used the newest default of packages.

default_setting_subcategory default_setting_name default_setting_value default_setting_enabled default_setting_description
bin dir   TRUE Server path for bin.
base dir /usr TRUE Server path for base.
call_center dir /etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs FALSE Server path for Call Center.
conf dir /etc/freeswitch TRUE Server path for Conf files.
db dir /var/lib/freeswitch/db TRUE Server path for sqlite db files.
dialplan dir /etc/freeswitch/dialplan FALSE Server path for xml dialplan
extensions dir /etc/freeswitch/directory FALSE Server path for extension directory.
grammar dir /usr/share/freeswitch/grammar TRUE Server path for grammar xml.
log dir /var/log/freeswitch TRUE Server path for SWITCH logs.
mod dir /usr/lib/freeswitch/mod TRUE Server path for SWITCH mod’s.
phrases dir /etc/freeswitch/lang TRUE Server path for SWITCH xml phrases.
recordings dir /var/lib/freeswitch/recordings TRUE Server path for SWITCH recordings.
scripts dir /usr/share/freeswitch/scripts TRUE Server path for SWITCH scripts.
sip_profiles dir /etc/freeswitch/sip_profiles FALSE Server path for SWITCH xml sip profiles.
sounds dir /usr/share/freeswitch/sounds TRUE Server path for SWITCH sounds.
storage dir /var/lib/freeswitch/storage TRUE Server path for SWITCH storage.
voicemail dir /var/lib/freeswitch/storage/voicemail TRUE Server path for SWITCH voicemails.


Theme specific default settings.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
background_image array /themes/default/images/backgrounds/blue_blur.jpg TRUE  
background_color array #6c89b5 TRUE Set a background color.
background_image_enabled boolean TRUE TRUE Enable use of background images.
logout_icon_visible text FALSE TRUE Set the visibility of the logout icon.
domain_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the text color (and opacity) for domain name.
domain_color_hover text #69e5ff FALSE Set the text hover color (and opacity) for domain name.
logout_icon_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the color (and opacity) for the logout icon (if visible).
logout_icon_color_hover text #69e5ff FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) for the logout icon (if visible).
menu_main_toggle_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the color (and opacity) for the menu toggle icon (in mobile view).
footer_background_color text rgba(0,0,0,0.1) TRUE Set the background color (and opacity) for the footer bar.
footer_color text rgba(255,255,255,0.1) FALSE Set the text color (and opacity) for the footer bar.
footer_border_radius text 0 0 4px 4px FALSE Set the border radius of the footer bar.
message_default_background_color text #fafafa TRUE Set the background color for the positive (default) message bar.
message_default_color text #666 TRUE Set the text color for the positive (default) message bar text.
message_positive_background_color text #ccffcc TRUE Set the background color for the positive (positive) message bar.
message_positive_color text #004200 TRUE Set the text color for the positive (positive) message bar text.
message_negative_background_color text #ffcdcd TRUE Set the background color for the negative message bar.
message_negative_color text #670000 TRUE Set the text color for the negative message bar text.
message_alert_background_color text #ffe585 TRUE Set the background color for the alert message bar.
message_alert_color text #d66721 TRUE Set the text color for the alert message bar text.
message_opacity text 0.9 TRUE Set the opacity of the message bar (decimal).
body_shadow_color text #000000 TRUE Set the color (and opacity) of the body.
body_border_radius text 4px FALSE Set the border radius of the body.
cache boolean FALSE FALSE Set whether to cache the theme in the session.
logo_align text center FALSE Set the alignment of the header logo (Inline menu only)
menu_main_background_color text #ff0000 FALSE Set a background color (and opacity) of the main menu bar.
menu_main_background_color_hover text #ff0000 FALSE Set a background hover color (and opacity) of the main menu items.
menu_main_icons boolean FALSE FALSE Show icons next to main menu items.
menu_main_background_image text /themes/default/images/background_black.png FALSE Set a background image for the main menu bar.
menu_main_shadow_color text #000000 TRUE Set the shadow color (and opacity) of the main menu bar.
menu_main_text_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the text color of the main menu items.
menu_main_text_color_hover text #69e5ff FALSE Set the text hover color of the main menu items.
menu_main_text_font text Arial FALSE Set the font of the main menu items.
menu_main_text_size text 10.25pt FALSE Set the text size of the main menu items.
menu_main_border_size text 1px FALSE Set the border size of the main menu.
menu_main_border_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the border color (and opacity) of the main menu.
menu_position text top TRUE Set the position of the main menu (Fixed menu only).
menu_style text fixed TRUE Set the style of the main menu.
menu_sub_background_color text #000000 FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of the sub menus.
menu_sub_icons boolean FALSE TRUE Show indicator icons next to selected sub menu items.
menu_sub_shadow_color text #000000 TRUE Set the shadow color (and opacity) of sub menus.
menu_sub_text_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the text color (and opacity) of sub menu items.
menu_sub_text_color_hover text #69e5ff FALSE Set the hover text color (and opacity) of sub menu items.
menu_sub_text_font text Arial FALSE Set the font of the sub menu items.
menu_sub_text_size text 10pt FALSE Set the text size of the sub menu items.
menu_sub_border_radius text 0 0 4px 4px FALSE Set the border radius of the sub menu.
menu_sub_border_size text 1px FALSE Set the border size of the sub menu.
heading_text_font text arial FALSE Set the font of the page heading text.
heading_text_size text 15px FALSE Set the size of the page heading text.
heading_text_color text #952424 FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of the page heading text.
body_text_font text arial FALSE Set the font of body text.
body_text_color text #5f5f5f FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of the body text.
text_link_color text #004083 FALSE Set the link color (and opacity) of text links outside tables.
text_link_color_hover text #5082ca FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) of text links outside tables.
table_heading_text_font text arial FALSE Set the text font of table header rows.
table_heading_text_size text 12px FALSE Set the text size of table header rows.
table_heading_background_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of table header rows.
table_heading_border_color text #a4aebf FALSE Set the bottom border color (and opacity) of table header rows.
table_row_text_font text arial FALSE Set the text font of table data rows.
table_row_text_size text 12px FALSE Set the text size of table data rows.
table_row_text_color text #000 FALSE Set the text color (and opacity) of table data rows.
table_row_background_color_dark text #e5e9f0 FALSE Set the darker background color (and opacity) of table data rows.
table_row_background_color_medium text #f0f2f6 FALSE Set the medium background color (and opacity) of table data rows.
table_row_border_color text #c5d1e5 FALSE Set the bottom border (dividing line) color (and opacity) of table data rows.
dashboard_border_color text #dbe0ea FALSE Set the border color (and opacity) of the Dashboard blocks.
dashboard_border_color_hover text #cbd3e1 FALSE Set the border hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block.
dashboard_border_radius text 5px FALSE Set the border radius of the Dashboard block.
dashboard_heading_background_color text #8e96a5 FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block heading.
dashboard_heading_background_color_hover text #969dab FALSE Set the background hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block heading.
dashboard_heading_text_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block heading text.
dashboard_heading_text_color_hover text #ffffff FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block heading text.
dashboard_heading_text_size text 10.5pt FALSE Set the size of the Dashboard block heading text.
dashboard_heading_text_shadow_color text #000000 FALSE Set the shadow color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block heading text.
dashboard_heading_text_shadow_color_hover text #000000 FALSE Set the shadow hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block heading text.
dashboard_number_background_color text #a4aebf FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_number_background_color_hover text #aeb7c5 FALSE Set the background hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_number_text_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_number_text_color_hover text #ffffff FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_number_text_font text Calibri, Candara, Segoe, Segoe UI, Optima, Arial, sans-serif FALSE Set the font of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_number_text_size text 60pt FALSE Set the size of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_number_text_shadow_color text #737983 FALSE Set the shadow color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_number_title_text_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number title.
dashboard_number_title_text_font text Calibri, Candara, Segoe, Segoe UI, Optima, Arial, sans-serif FALSE Set the font of the Dashboard block number title.
dashboard_number_title_text_size text 14px FALSE Set the size of the Dashboard block number title.
dashboard_number_title_text_shadow_color text #737983 FALSE Set the shadow color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number title.
dashboard_detail_heading_text_size text 11px FALSE Set the size of the Dashboard block detail header text.
dashboard_detail_row_text_size text 11px FALSE Set the size of the Dashboard block detail row text.
dashboard_detail_shadow_color text #737983 FALSE Set the shadow color of the Dashboard block detail box.
dashboard_detail_background_color_center text #f9fbfe FALSE Set the center gradient color of the Dashboard block detail area.
dashboard_footer_background_color_hover text #ebeef3 FALSE Set the background hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block footer bar.
dashboard_footer_dots_color text #a4aebf FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block footer bar dots.
dashboard_footer_dots_color_hover text #a4aebf FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block footer bar dots.
form_table_label_padding text 7px 8px FALSE Set the padding of the form label cell.
form_table_label_background_color text #e5e9f0 FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of the form label cell.
form_table_label_border_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the bottom-border color (and opacity) of the form label cell.
form_table_label_border_radius text 4px FALSE Set the border radius of the form label cell.
form_table_label_text_size text 9pt FALSE Set the text size of the form label.
form_table_label_text_font text Arial FALSE Set the text font of the form label.
form_table_label_text_color text #000000 FALSE Set the text color (and opacity) of the form label.
form_table_label_required_border_color text #cbcfd5 FALSE Set the right-border color (and opacity) of the required form label cell.
form_table_label_required_text_color text #000000 FALSE Set the text color (and opacity) of the required form label.
form_table_label_required_text_weight text bold FALSE Set the text weight of the required form label.
form_table_field_padding text 6px FALSE Set the padding of the form field cell.
form_table_field_background_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of the form field cell.
form_table_field_border_color text #e5e9f0 FALSE Set the bottom-border color (and opacity) of the form field cell.
form_table_field_border_radius text 0 FALSE Set the border radius of the form label cell.
form_table_field_text_size text 8pt FALSE Set the size of text in the form field cell.
form_table_field_text_font text Arial FALSE Set the font of text in the form field cell.
form_table_heading_padding text 8px 8px 4px 8px FALSE Set the padding of form column headings.
form_table_row_padding text 3px 0 FALSE Set the padding of form row cells.
form_table_row_text_size text 9pt FALSE Set the size of text in the form rows.
login_background_color array #6c89b5 FALSE Set the background color of the login page.
login_background_color array #144794 FALSE Set a secondary background color of the login page, for a gradient effect.
login_background_image_enabled boolean TRUE FALSE Enable use of background images on the login page.
login_body_background_color text rgba(255,255,255,0.3) TRUE Set the background color for the login box.
login_body_shadow_color text rgba(140,140,140,0.3) TRUE Set the shadow color of the login box.
login_body_padding text 30px FALSE Set the padding of the login box.
login_body_width text 100% FALSE Set the width of the login box.
login_body_border_size text 1px FALSE Set the border size of the login box.
login_body_border_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the border color (and opacity) of the login box.
login_link_text_color text #004083 FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of text links on the login box.
login_link_text_color_hover text #5082ca FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) of text links on the login box.
login_link_text_size text 11px FALSE Set the size of text links on the login box.
login_link_text_font text Arial FALSE Set the font of text links on the login box.
button_background_color_bottom text #000000 FALSE Set the background bottom color (and opacity) of buttons.
button_background_color_hover text #000000 FALSE Set the background main/top hover color (and opacity) of buttons.
button_background_color_bottom_hover text #000000 FALSE Set the background bottom hover color (and opacity) of buttons.
button_border_size text 1px FALSE Set the border size of buttons.
button_border_color text #242424 FALSE Set the border color (and opacity) of buttons.
button_border_color_hover text #000000 FALSE Set the border hover color (and opacity) of buttons.
button_border_radius text 3px FALSE Set the border radius of buttons.
button_text_size text 11px FALSE Set the size of button text.
button_text_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of button text.
button_text_weight text bold FALSE Set the weight of button text.
button_padding text 5px 8px FALSE Set the padding of buttons.
button_height text 28px FALSE Set the height of buttons.
input_border_color text #c0c0c0 FALSE Set the border color (and opacity) of text inputs.
input_border_color_hover text #c0c0c0 FALSE Set the border hover color (and opacity) of text inputs.
input_border_color_focus text #c0c0c0 FALSE Set the border focus color (and opacity) of text inputs.
input_border_size text 1px FALSE Set the border size of text inputs.
input_border_radius text 3px FALSE Set the border radius of text inputs.
input_shadow_inner_color text #cddaf0 TRUE Set the inner shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs.
input_shadow_outer_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the outer shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs.
input_shadow_outer_color_focus text #cddaf0 TRUE Set the outer focus shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs.
input_text_size text 12px FALSE Set the size of text input content.
input_text_font text Arial FALSE Set the font of text input content.
input_text_color text #000000 FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of text input content.
input_text_placeholder_color text #999999 FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of input placeholder text.
login_input_background_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_border_color text #c0c0c0 FALSE Set the border color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_border_color_focus text #c0c0c0 FALSE Set the border focus color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_border_size text 1px FALSE Set the border size of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_border_radius text 3px FALSE Set the border radius of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_shadow_inner_color text #cddaf0 FALSE Set the inner shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_shadow_inner_color_focus text #ffffff FALSE Set the inner focus shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_shadow_outer_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the outer shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_shadow_outer_color_focus text #cddaf0 FALSE Set the outer focus shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_text_size text 12px FALSE Set the size of text input content on the login box.
login_input_text_font text Arial FALSE Set the font of text input content on the login box.
login_input_text_placeholder_color text #999999 FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of input placeholder text on the login box.
font_loader text TRUE FALSE Enables the dynamic loading of web fonts (requires an Internet connection).
font_loader_version text 1.6.16 FALSE Set the web font loader version to use - specific (e.g. 1.6.16) or latest in branch (e.g. 1).
font_retrieval text asynchronous FALSE Set the retrieval method for the web font loader (default: synchronous).
font_source_key text   FALSE API key that allows access to the available fonts list.
body_icon_color text rgba(255,255,255,0.25) FALSE Set the color (and opacity) for the icons in the body.
body_icon_color_hover text rgba(255,255,255,0.50) FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) for the icons in the body.
menu_brand_type text image FALSE  
background_color array #144794 TRUE Set a secondary background color, for a gradient effect.
domain_visible text TRUE TRUE Set the visibility of the name of the domain currently being managed.
menu_main_toggle_color_hover text #69e5ff FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) for the menu toggle icon (in mobile view).
message_delay text 1.75 TRUE Set the hide delay of the message bar (seconds).
domain_selector_shadow_color text #888888 TRUE Set the shadow color (and opacity) of the domain selector pane.
menu_main_border_radius text 0 0 4px 4px FALSE Set the border radius of the main menu.
menu_sub_background_color_hover text   FALSE Set the hover background color (and opacity) of the sub menu items.
menu_sub_border_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the border color (and opacity) of the sub menu.
body_text_size text 12px FALSE Set the size of the body text.
table_heading_text_color text #3164ad FALSE Set the text color (and opacity) of table header rows.
table_row_background_color_light text #fff FALSE Set the lighter background color (and opacity) of table data rows.
dashboard_heading_text_font text Calibri, Candara, Segoe, Segoe UI, Optima, Arial, sans-serif FALSE Set the font of the Dashboard block heading text.
dashboard_number_text_shadow_color_hover text #737983 FALSE Set the shadow hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_detail_background_color_edge text #edf1f7 FALSE Set the edge gradient color of the Dashboard block detail area.
dashboard_footer_background_color text #e5e9f0 FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block footer bar.
form_table_label_required_background_color text #e5e9f0 FALSE Set the background color of the required form label cell.
form_table_field_text_color text #666666 FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of text in the form field cell.
login_body_border_radius text 4px FALSE Set the border radius of the login box.
button_background_color text #4f4f4f FALSE Set the background main/top color (and opacity) of buttons.
button_text_font text Candara, Calibri, Segoe, Segoe UI, Optima, Arial, sans-serif FALSE Set the font of button text.
button_text_color_hover text #ffffff FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) of button text.
input_background_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of text inputs.
input_shadow_inner_color_focus text #ffffff FALSE Set the inner focus shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs.
login_input_border_color_hover text #c0c0c0 FALSE Set the border hover color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_text_color text #000000 FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of text input content on the login box.
body_color text rgba(255,255,255,0.77) TRUE Set then body background color (and opacity) of the content.
background_image array /themes/default/images/backgrounds/yellowstone_3.jpg FALSE  

Time Conditions

FusionPBX menu Apps > Time Conditions

Time Conditions specific default settings.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
region text usa TRUE What region to use by default when choosing Time Conditions
preset_england array {“new_years_day”:{“mday”:”1”,”mon”:”1”}} TRUE England Holiday
preset_england array {“may_day”:{“mon”:”5”,”mday”:”1-7”,”wday”:”2”}} TRUE England Holiday
preset_england array {“august_bank_holiday”:{“mon”:”8”,”mday”:”25-31”,”wday”:”2”}} TRUE England Holiday
preset_england array {“christmas_day”:{“mday”:”25”,”mon”:”12”}} TRUE England Holiday
preset_england array {“boxing_day”:{“mday”:”26”,”mon”:”12”}} TRUE England Holiday
preset_usa array {“new_years_day”:{“mday”:”1”,”mon”:”1”}} TRUE USA Holiday
preset_usa array {“presidents_day”:{“wday”:”2”,”mon”:”2”,”mday”:”15-21”}} TRUE USA Holiday
preset_usa array {“memorial_day”:{“mday”:”25-31”,”wday”:”2”,”mon”:”5”}} TRUE USA Holiday
preset_usa array {“independence_day”:{“mday”:”4”,”mon”:”7”}} TRUE USA Holiday
preset_usa array {“labor_day”:{“wday”:”2”,”mon”:”9”,”mday”:”1-7”}} TRUE USA Holiday
preset_usa array {“columbus_day”:{“wday”:”2”,”mon”:”10”,”mday”:”8-14”}} TRUE USA Holiday
preset_usa array {“veterans_day”:{“mday”:”11”,”mon”:”11”}} TRUE USA Holiday
preset_usa array {“black_friday”:{“wday”:”6”,”mon”:”11”,”mday”:”23-29”}} TRUE USA Holiday
preset_usa array {“christmas_day”:{“mday”:”25”,”mon”:”12”}} TRUE USA Holiday
preset_canada array {“new_years_day”:{“mday”:”1”,”mon”:”1”}} TRUE Canada Holiday
preset_canada array {“family_day”:{“wday”:”2”,”mon”:”2”,”mday”:”8-14”}} TRUE Canada Holiday
preset_canada array {“victoria_day”:{“wday”:”2”,”mon”:”5”,”mday”:”18-24”}} TRUE Canada Holiday
preset_canada array {“canada_day”:{“mday”:”1”,”mon”:”7”}} TRUE Canada Holiday
preset_canada array {“bc_day”:{“wday”:”2”,”mon”:”8”,”mday”:”1-7”}} TRUE Canada Holiday
preset_canada array {“remembrance_day”:{“mday”:”11”,”mon”:”11”}} TRUE Canada Holiday
preset_canada array {“christmas_day”:{“mday”:”25”,”mon”:”12”}} TRUE Canada Holiday
preset_canada array {“boxing_day”:{“mday”:”26”,”mon”:”12”}} TRUE Canada Holiday
preset_canada array {“labour_day”:{“wday”:”2”,”mon”:”9”,”mday”:”1-7”}} TRUE Canada Holiday
preset_england array {“spring_bank_holiday”:{“mon”:”5”,”mday”:”25-31”,”wday”:”2”}} TRUE England Holiday
preset_usa array {“martin_luther_king_jr_day”:{“wday”:”2”,”mon”:”1”,”mday”:”15-21”}} TRUE USA Holiday
preset_usa array {“thanksgiving_day”:{“wday”:”5”,”mon”:”11”,”mday”:”22-28”}} TRUE USA Holiday
preset_canada array {“thanksgiving_day”:{“wday”:”2”,”mon”:”10”,”mday”:”8-14”}} TRUE Canada Holiday


FusionPBX menu Accounts > Users

User specific default settings.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
password_special boolean FALSE TRUE Set whether to require at least one special character in user passwords.
unique text global FALSE Make all user names unique on all domains.
password_length numeric 10 TRUE The default length of characters in a user password.
password_number boolean TRUE TRUE Set whether to require at least one number in user passwords.
password_lowercase boolean TRUE TRUE Set whether to require at least one lowecase letter in user passwords.
password_uppercase boolean TRUE TRUE Set whether to require at least one uppercase letter in user passwords.


FusionPBX menu Apps > Voicemail

Voicemail specific default settings.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
voicemail_file text attach TRUE Define whether to attach voicemail files to email notifications, or only include a link.
keep_local boolean TRUE TRUE Define whether to keep voicemail files on the local system after sending attached via email.
storage_type text base64 FALSE Define which storage type (base_64 stores in the database).
message_max_length numeric 300 TRUE Maximum length of a voicemail (in seconds).
password_length numeric 8 TRUE The default length of characters in a voicemail password.
display_domain_name boolean TRUE FALSE Enable display of @domain_name after voicemail_id when rendering emails.
remote_access boolean FALSE TRUE Allow access to the voicemail menu with the correct voicemail password.
message_order text asc TRUE Set the message order to asc or desc.
password_complexity boolean TRUE FALSE Enforce voicemail password complexity.
password_min_length numeric 4 FALSE Minimum voicemail password length.
smtp_from text   TRUE SMTP From: specific to Voicemail.
smtp_from_name text   TRUE SMTP From: Name specific to Voicemail.
not_found_message boolean FALSE TRUE Default for not found message.
greeting_max_length numeric 90 TRUE Maximum length of a voicemail greeting (in seconds).