
Theme specific default settings.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
background_image array /themes/default/images/backgrounds/blue_blur.jpg TRUE  
background_color array #6c89b5 TRUE Set a background color.
background_image_enabled boolean TRUE TRUE Enable use of background images.
logout_icon_visible text FALSE TRUE Set the visibility of the logout icon.
domain_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the text color (and opacity) for domain name.
domain_color_hover text #69e5ff FALSE Set the text hover color (and opacity) for domain name.
logout_icon_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the color (and opacity) for the logout icon (if visible).
logout_icon_color_hover text #69e5ff FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) for the logout icon (if visible).
menu_main_toggle_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the color (and opacity) for the menu toggle icon (in mobile view).
footer_background_color text rgba(0,0,0,0.1) TRUE Set the background color (and opacity) for the footer bar.
footer_color text rgba(255,255,255,0.1) FALSE Set the text color (and opacity) for the footer bar.
footer_border_radius text 0 0 4px 4px FALSE Set the border radius of the footer bar.
message_default_background_color text #fafafa TRUE Set the background color for the positive (default) message bar.
message_default_color text #666 TRUE Set the text color for the positive (default) message bar text.
message_positive_background_color text #ccffcc TRUE Set the background color for the positive (positive) message bar.
message_positive_color text #004200 TRUE Set the text color for the positive (positive) message bar text.
message_negative_background_color text #ffcdcd TRUE Set the background color for the negative message bar.
message_negative_color text #670000 TRUE Set the text color for the negative message bar text.
message_alert_background_color text #ffe585 TRUE Set the background color for the alert message bar.
message_alert_color text #d66721 TRUE Set the text color for the alert message bar text.
message_opacity text 0.9 TRUE Set the opacity of the message bar (decimal).
body_shadow_color text #000000 TRUE Set the color (and opacity) of the body.
body_border_radius text 4px FALSE Set the border radius of the body.
cache boolean FALSE FALSE Set whether to cache the theme in the session.
logo_align text center FALSE Set the alignment of the header logo (Inline menu only)
menu_main_background_color text #ff0000 FALSE Set a background color (and opacity) of the main menu bar.
menu_main_background_color_hover text #ff0000 FALSE Set a background hover color (and opacity) of the main menu items.
menu_main_icons boolean FALSE FALSE Show icons next to main menu items.
menu_main_background_image text /themes/default/images/background_black.png FALSE Set a background image for the main menu bar.
menu_main_shadow_color text #000000 TRUE Set the shadow color (and opacity) of the main menu bar.
menu_main_text_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the text color of the main menu items.
menu_main_text_color_hover text #69e5ff FALSE Set the text hover color of the main menu items.
menu_main_text_font text Arial FALSE Set the font of the main menu items.
menu_main_text_size text 10.25pt FALSE Set the text size of the main menu items.
menu_main_border_size text 1px FALSE Set the border size of the main menu.
menu_main_border_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the border color (and opacity) of the main menu.
menu_position text top TRUE Set the position of the main menu (Fixed menu only).
menu_style text fixed TRUE Set the style of the main menu.
menu_sub_background_color text #000000 FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of the sub menus.
menu_sub_icons boolean FALSE TRUE Show indicator icons next to selected sub menu items.
menu_sub_shadow_color text #000000 TRUE Set the shadow color (and opacity) of sub menus.
menu_sub_text_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the text color (and opacity) of sub menu items.
menu_sub_text_color_hover text #69e5ff FALSE Set the hover text color (and opacity) of sub menu items.
menu_sub_text_font text Arial FALSE Set the font of the sub menu items.
menu_sub_text_size text 10pt FALSE Set the text size of the sub menu items.
menu_sub_border_radius text 0 0 4px 4px FALSE Set the border radius of the sub menu.
menu_sub_border_size text 1px FALSE Set the border size of the sub menu.
heading_text_font text arial FALSE Set the font of the page heading text.
heading_text_size text 15px FALSE Set the size of the page heading text.
heading_text_color text #952424 FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of the page heading text.
body_text_font text arial FALSE Set the font of body text.
body_text_color text #5f5f5f FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of the body text.
text_link_color text #004083 FALSE Set the link color (and opacity) of text links outside tables.
text_link_color_hover text #5082ca FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) of text links outside tables.
table_heading_text_font text arial FALSE Set the text font of table header rows.
table_heading_text_size text 12px FALSE Set the text size of table header rows.
table_heading_background_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of table header rows.
table_heading_border_color text #a4aebf FALSE Set the bottom border color (and opacity) of table header rows.
table_row_text_font text arial FALSE Set the text font of table data rows.
table_row_text_size text 12px FALSE Set the text size of table data rows.
table_row_text_color text #000 FALSE Set the text color (and opacity) of table data rows.
table_row_background_color_dark text #e5e9f0 FALSE Set the darker background color (and opacity) of table data rows.
table_row_background_color_medium text #f0f2f6 FALSE Set the medium background color (and opacity) of table data rows.
table_row_border_color text #c5d1e5 FALSE Set the bottom border (dividing line) color (and opacity) of table data rows.
dashboard_border_color text #dbe0ea FALSE Set the border color (and opacity) of the Dashboard blocks.
dashboard_border_color_hover text #cbd3e1 FALSE Set the border hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block.
dashboard_border_radius text 5px FALSE Set the border radius of the Dashboard block.
dashboard_heading_background_color text #8e96a5 FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block heading.
dashboard_heading_background_color_hover text #969dab FALSE Set the background hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block heading.
dashboard_heading_text_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block heading text.
dashboard_heading_text_color_hover text #ffffff FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block heading text.
dashboard_heading_text_size text 10.5pt FALSE Set the size of the Dashboard block heading text.
dashboard_heading_text_shadow_color text #000000 FALSE Set the shadow color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block heading text.
dashboard_heading_text_shadow_color_hover text #000000 FALSE Set the shadow hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block heading text.
dashboard_number_background_color text #a4aebf FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_number_background_color_hover text #aeb7c5 FALSE Set the background hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_number_text_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_number_text_color_hover text #ffffff FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_number_text_font text Calibri, Candara, Segoe, Segoe UI, Optima, Arial, sans-serif FALSE Set the font of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_number_text_size text 60pt FALSE Set the size of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_number_text_shadow_color text #737983 FALSE Set the shadow color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_number_title_text_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number title.
dashboard_number_title_text_font text Calibri, Candara, Segoe, Segoe UI, Optima, Arial, sans-serif FALSE Set the font of the Dashboard block number title.
dashboard_number_title_text_size text 14px FALSE Set the size of the Dashboard block number title.
dashboard_number_title_text_shadow_color text #737983 FALSE Set the shadow color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number title.
dashboard_detail_heading_text_size text 11px FALSE Set the size of the Dashboard block detail header text.
dashboard_detail_row_text_size text 11px FALSE Set the size of the Dashboard block detail row text.
dashboard_detail_shadow_color text #737983 FALSE Set the shadow color of the Dashboard block detail box.
dashboard_detail_background_color_center text #f9fbfe FALSE Set the center gradient color of the Dashboard block detail area.
dashboard_footer_background_color_hover text #ebeef3 FALSE Set the background hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block footer bar.
dashboard_footer_dots_color text #a4aebf FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block footer bar dots.
dashboard_footer_dots_color_hover text #a4aebf FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block footer bar dots.
form_table_label_padding text 7px 8px FALSE Set the padding of the form label cell.
form_table_label_background_color text #e5e9f0 FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of the form label cell.
form_table_label_border_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the bottom-border color (and opacity) of the form label cell.
form_table_label_border_radius text 4px FALSE Set the border radius of the form label cell.
form_table_label_text_size text 9pt FALSE Set the text size of the form label.
form_table_label_text_font text Arial FALSE Set the text font of the form label.
form_table_label_text_color text #000000 FALSE Set the text color (and opacity) of the form label.
form_table_label_required_border_color text #cbcfd5 FALSE Set the right-border color (and opacity) of the required form label cell.
form_table_label_required_text_color text #000000 FALSE Set the text color (and opacity) of the required form label.
form_table_label_required_text_weight text bold FALSE Set the text weight of the required form label.
form_table_field_padding text 6px FALSE Set the padding of the form field cell.
form_table_field_background_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of the form field cell.
form_table_field_border_color text #e5e9f0 FALSE Set the bottom-border color (and opacity) of the form field cell.
form_table_field_border_radius text 0 FALSE Set the border radius of the form label cell.
form_table_field_text_size text 8pt FALSE Set the size of text in the form field cell.
form_table_field_text_font text Arial FALSE Set the font of text in the form field cell.
form_table_heading_padding text 8px 8px 4px 8px FALSE Set the padding of form column headings.
form_table_row_padding text 3px 0 FALSE Set the padding of form row cells.
form_table_row_text_size text 9pt FALSE Set the size of text in the form rows.
login_background_color array #6c89b5 FALSE Set the background color of the login page.
login_background_color array #144794 FALSE Set a secondary background color of the login page, for a gradient effect.
login_background_image_enabled boolean TRUE FALSE Enable use of background images on the login page.
login_body_background_color text rgba(255,255,255,0.3) TRUE Set the background color for the login box.
login_body_shadow_color text rgba(140,140,140,0.3) TRUE Set the shadow color of the login box.
login_body_padding text 30px FALSE Set the padding of the login box.
login_body_width text 100% FALSE Set the width of the login box.
login_body_border_size text 1px FALSE Set the border size of the login box.
login_body_border_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the border color (and opacity) of the login box.
login_link_text_color text #004083 FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of text links on the login box.
login_link_text_color_hover text #5082ca FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) of text links on the login box.
login_link_text_size text 11px FALSE Set the size of text links on the login box.
login_link_text_font text Arial FALSE Set the font of text links on the login box.
button_background_color_bottom text #000000 FALSE Set the background bottom color (and opacity) of buttons.
button_background_color_hover text #000000 FALSE Set the background main/top hover color (and opacity) of buttons.
button_background_color_bottom_hover text #000000 FALSE Set the background bottom hover color (and opacity) of buttons.
button_border_size text 1px FALSE Set the border size of buttons.
button_border_color text #242424 FALSE Set the border color (and opacity) of buttons.
button_border_color_hover text #000000 FALSE Set the border hover color (and opacity) of buttons.
button_border_radius text 3px FALSE Set the border radius of buttons.
button_text_size text 11px FALSE Set the size of button text.
button_text_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of button text.
button_text_weight text bold FALSE Set the weight of button text.
button_padding text 5px 8px FALSE Set the padding of buttons.
button_height text 28px FALSE Set the height of buttons.
input_border_color text #c0c0c0 FALSE Set the border color (and opacity) of text inputs.
input_border_color_hover text #c0c0c0 FALSE Set the border hover color (and opacity) of text inputs.
input_border_color_focus text #c0c0c0 FALSE Set the border focus color (and opacity) of text inputs.
input_border_size text 1px FALSE Set the border size of text inputs.
input_border_radius text 3px FALSE Set the border radius of text inputs.
input_shadow_inner_color text #cddaf0 TRUE Set the inner shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs.
input_shadow_outer_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the outer shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs.
input_shadow_outer_color_focus text #cddaf0 TRUE Set the outer focus shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs.
input_text_size text 12px FALSE Set the size of text input content.
input_text_font text Arial FALSE Set the font of text input content.
input_text_color text #000000 FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of text input content.
input_text_placeholder_color text #999999 FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of input placeholder text.
login_input_background_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_border_color text #c0c0c0 FALSE Set the border color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_border_color_focus text #c0c0c0 FALSE Set the border focus color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_border_size text 1px FALSE Set the border size of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_border_radius text 3px FALSE Set the border radius of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_shadow_inner_color text #cddaf0 FALSE Set the inner shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_shadow_inner_color_focus text #ffffff FALSE Set the inner focus shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_shadow_outer_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the outer shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_shadow_outer_color_focus text #cddaf0 FALSE Set the outer focus shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_text_size text 12px FALSE Set the size of text input content on the login box.
login_input_text_font text Arial FALSE Set the font of text input content on the login box.
login_input_text_placeholder_color text #999999 FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of input placeholder text on the login box.
font_loader text TRUE FALSE Enables the dynamic loading of web fonts (requires an Internet connection).
font_loader_version text 1.6.16 FALSE Set the web font loader version to use - specific (e.g. 1.6.16) or latest in branch (e.g. 1).
font_retrieval text asynchronous FALSE Set the retrieval method for the web font loader (default: synchronous).
font_source_key text   FALSE API key that allows access to the available fonts list.
body_icon_color text rgba(255,255,255,0.25) FALSE Set the color (and opacity) for the icons in the body.
body_icon_color_hover text rgba(255,255,255,0.50) FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) for the icons in the body.
menu_brand_type text image FALSE  
background_color array #144794 TRUE Set a secondary background color, for a gradient effect.
domain_visible text TRUE TRUE Set the visibility of the name of the domain currently being managed.
menu_main_toggle_color_hover text #69e5ff FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) for the menu toggle icon (in mobile view).
message_delay text 1.75 TRUE Set the hide delay of the message bar (seconds).
domain_selector_shadow_color text #888888 TRUE Set the shadow color (and opacity) of the domain selector pane.
menu_main_border_radius text 0 0 4px 4px FALSE Set the border radius of the main menu.
menu_sub_background_color_hover text   FALSE Set the hover background color (and opacity) of the sub menu items.
menu_sub_border_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the border color (and opacity) of the sub menu.
body_text_size text 12px FALSE Set the size of the body text.
table_heading_text_color text #3164ad FALSE Set the text color (and opacity) of table header rows.
table_row_background_color_light text #fff FALSE Set the lighter background color (and opacity) of table data rows.
dashboard_heading_text_font text Calibri, Candara, Segoe, Segoe UI, Optima, Arial, sans-serif FALSE Set the font of the Dashboard block heading text.
dashboard_number_text_shadow_color_hover text #737983 FALSE Set the shadow hover color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block number.
dashboard_detail_background_color_edge text #edf1f7 FALSE Set the edge gradient color of the Dashboard block detail area.
dashboard_footer_background_color text #e5e9f0 FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of the Dashboard block footer bar.
form_table_label_required_background_color text #e5e9f0 FALSE Set the background color of the required form label cell.
form_table_field_text_color text #666666 FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of text in the form field cell.
login_body_border_radius text 4px FALSE Set the border radius of the login box.
button_background_color text #4f4f4f FALSE Set the background main/top color (and opacity) of buttons.
button_text_font text Candara, Calibri, Segoe, Segoe UI, Optima, Arial, sans-serif FALSE Set the font of button text.
button_text_color_hover text #ffffff FALSE Set the hover color (and opacity) of button text.
input_background_color text #ffffff FALSE Set the background color (and opacity) of text inputs.
input_shadow_inner_color_focus text #ffffff FALSE Set the inner focus shadow color (and opacity) of text inputs.
login_input_border_color_hover text #c0c0c0 FALSE Set the border hover color (and opacity) of text inputs on the login box.
login_input_text_color text #000000 FALSE Set the color (and opacity) of text input content on the login box.
body_color text rgba(255,255,255,0.77) TRUE Set then body background color (and opacity) of the content.
background_image array /themes/default/images/backgrounds/yellowstone_3.jpg FALSE