
This is where you configure email settings to receive email notifications of voicemail, missed calls and fax.

Here are some example settings for some of the most common email providers.

Default Setting Subcategory Default Setting Name Default Setting Value Default Setting Enabled Default Setting Description
smtp_host text TRUE email providers server address
smtp_from text TRUE smtp from emaill address
smtp_port numeric 587 TRUE port number of the mail server provider
smtp_from_name text Voicemail TRUE smtp from name
smtp_auth text TRUE TRUE If smtp auth is required
smtp_username text user name TRUE typically the email user name
smtp_password text supersecurepassword! TRUE typically the email password
smtp_secure text tls TRUE tls or ssl depending on the provider.
smtp_validate_certificate boolean TRUE TRUE set to false to ignore SSL certificate warnings e.g. for self-signed certificates
method text smtp TRUE smtp|sendmail|mail|qmail

Error log for failed or sucessfully sent messages.